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Get a job in Canada in 4 weeks

Gain access to the guide that has helped immigrants secure competitive job offers in Canada.

Join the list and receive an exclusive launch discount in your email.

This course has everything you need to successfully apply for jobs in Canada.

Upon completing the course, you will be able to:

    Know everything about the Canadian job market and understand what, how much, where, and how in your profession.

    Have a globally competitive profile, including your CV, cover letter, LinkedIn, and portfolio.

    Be ready for an interview and know what to say to potentially secure sponsorship.

    Know what to do before, during, and after obtaining a job offer in Canada.

    Have you ever imagined what your life would be like in Canada?


    Maybe you’ve at some point thought about what it would be like to live in Canada. Perhaps in your own country, you haven’t found the professional opportunities you were seeking, or your economic situation hasn’t been as good due to political or economic factors beyond your control. Maybe you have a family and are looking to improve their living conditions.

    You’ve heard that Canada is one of the best countries to live in, that it’s much safer, pays well, and offers great professional growth. Maybe you even know more than one person who has taken the leap and successfully established themselves in Canada.

    Many people wonder what it takes to succeed in another country. You might think you need to have perfect English, multiple master’s degrees, or over 10 years of experience.

    Want to know a secret? The key isn’t any of the above (I got my work permit with just 3 years of experience and semi-fluent English, with a very pronounced accent, xD). The key is knowing where to look and how to market your talent to companies.

    What if you had a step-by-step guide on how to secure a job offer in Canada from the comfort of your home and learn all the secrets in just four weeks?

    Many people are afraid to risk it all and fail in a completely new country. Many spend thousands of dollars for an opportunity to showcase their talent by coming as students, but not everyone succeeds. With my course, you’ll have a direct shortcut to achieving your goals: you can assess your professional possibilities before coming to Canada or secure sponsorship if you’re already here.

    Would you dare to give it a try and have the life you’ve dreamed of? Or would you prefer to stay where you are now?”

    Is this course made for me?

    This course is for individuals who dream of starting a better life in Canada. If you identify with any of these scenarios, then this course is for you! Here, you will find all the tools, motivation, and step-by-step guidance on how to create your professional profile and secure a job offer in Canada.

    • NYou are a professional looking to immigrate to Canada to improve your quality of life and that of your family.
    • NYou are a student currently in Canada. You want to transition from working in odd jobs and return to practicing your profession while obtaining sponsorship to avoid returning to your home country before completing your studies.
    • NYou are a worker living in Canada and want to advance in your professional career.
    • NYou are the partner of a student or worker who arrived with an open work permit and want to start your professional career in Canada.
    • NYou are a professional seeking a remote job with much better compensation than a local salary. (Yes, you could have a higher salary without leaving your home country.)

    Here is everything you’ll get when you register:

    Ten video lessons where I will guide you step by step, so that by the end, you’ll be ready to apply for jobs in Canada with an internationally competitive profile.

    • Module 1: Everything you need to know about Canada and all the factors to consider when choosing the best path according to your profile.
    • Module 2: The job market in Canada. Requirements for each profession, salaries, where to look for jobs, and how to apply for each one.
    • Module 3: How to create a competitive resume, what to do and not do, and how to pass the initial screening.
    • Module 4: What is a Cover Letter, why it's important, and how to use it to secure interviews.
    • Module 5: How to create a professional portfolio. We all need to showcase our professional achievements to stand out, and I'll explain how to create one without prior design or programming knowledge.
    • Module 6: I'll walk you through the application process, how to customize each application, and how to keep track for follow-ups.
    • Module 7: Everything about LinkedIn and networking in Canada. I'll explain how to start building contacts without leaving your home country.
    • Module 8: The ABCs of interviews in English. Key questions, how to prepare, and what to say to impress the company.
    • Module 9: Everything about job offers and how to negotiate them to secure sponsorship.
    • Module 10: It all starts in the mind. I'll share my experiences and those of other immigrants who dared to take the leap. If you have imposter syndrome, don't worry, we'll overcome it together ????

    Extra! In addition to the course, you’ll have access to all of this:


    Exclusive access to the community

    • Meet people who are embarking on this journey just like you.
    • Tips, real case analyses, and Q&A sessions with the course team.


    Extra Tips

    My 8 secrets to reach the top of candidates and secure interviews.


    ready to edit templates

    The only template you need to create your CV and Cover Letter (editable).

    The only guide you need to find a job in Canada

    Introduction Price (for a limited time)

    Monthly Membership

    $50 $34.99

    • 10 Modules with detailed tutorials on how to find a job in Canada.
    • All future course updates
    • Exclusive access to the community.
    • Extra content: Templates, my 8 secrets and more!
    • Online support
    • Cancel anytime

    Satisfaction guaranteed

    This course is backed by our satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with the course, write to us, and we’ll offer you a refund.

    Hello! I’m Cinthya, your guide on this journey.

    In less than 3 years, I secured sponsorship to stay as a professional, got a management position in a tech company and duplicated my salary, and received my Canadian Residency.

    As a Designer, I struggled to find a good job in Mexico, where the average salary for designers with a degree is 8,000 Mexican pesos per month (~470 USD).

    Canada is where I found economic stability, professional growth, and a secure future for myself and my family.

    For a long time, I had wanted to create this course so that more people can replicate my steps and achieve their dreams on Canadian soil. I hope this course changes your life, just as it changed mine.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you have any questions about the course? If you can’t find the answer here, please write to us at, and we’ll be happy to address your question.

    I don't have a professional career. Can I still take this course?

    This guide has primarily benefited individuals with professional careers. However, I am confident that this guide can be helpful to anyone looking for a job in Canada. It’s important to mention that the path to Canada without a career is more challenging, and there may be additional steps that are not covered in this guide.

    Who is this course for?

    This course is primarily designed for professionals looking to immigrate to Canada and for students already in Canada. However, if your plan is to secure a better job without immigrating, this guide is also for you (I obtained a remote job with a company in Canada and the United States years before immigrating).

    How often will this course be updated?

    I will constantly improve the course based on questions and concerns from course takers. I will also research and analyze the Canadian job market to provide the best techniques and tips. If you are subscribed, I will keep you informed of new modules and content, all of which will be included in your monthly membership fee.

    How long should I take to complete the course?

    I suggest that completing two modules per week (a total of 1 month) is sufficient to finish the course. However, each person has different timelines. The key is not only to watch the lessons but also to actively engage in the activities so that by the end, you have everything you need to apply to Canadian companies.

    Information is power and always helps in better planning for the future. If you are still unsure about starting your job search, I recommend taking the course to determine your requirements, and once you are ready, go through all the steps again.

    Is this course theoretical or practical?

    Both! As the goal is to have an internationally competitive profile upon completing the course, I mainly focus on explaining why each section is important and then provide a step-by-step tutorial so that you have a specific outcome for yourself (your new CV, your portfolio, a list of interview questions, etc.).

    How can I be sure this course will be useful for me?

    This course guides you step by step through the entire job search process in Canada. If that’s your goal, I assure you that this course is what you need. If you don’t see a specific topic you’d like to learn in the module list, write to me at, and I can clarify any doubts you may have.

    Does this course cover legal topics?

    In this course, we will briefly discuss some ways to immigrate to Canada. However, we do not provide step-by-step legal guidance or immigration advice. In my experience and that of many others, I received assistance from an immigration consultant to study in Canada and apply for permanent residency. However, I did not receive any help in finding a job in Canada. After seeing more than half of my acquaintances return home after completing their studies because they couldn’t find a company to sponsor them, or many others staying illegally (which I do not recommend at all), I realized there was a gap in the process, and that’s why I created this course.

    In other words, this course is not a substitute for legal advice and immigration assistance; rather, it’s another step on your path to Canada. If you are interested in legal matters, write to me, and I can provide recommendations based on my personal experience.

    Will I learn how to apply for a Canadian work visa with this course?

    As mentioned in the previous question, we do not provide legal advice. Following this guide, my Canadian employers were convinced to hire me and offered me a job (which, in my experience, is the most challenging part), and with that job offer, I consulted with lawyers to help with my work visa application. We do not replace an immigration attorney, and they, in turn, do not replace this course.

    What if I didn't like the course?

    We are backed by our satisfaction guarantee. I highly doubt that you won’t find this course very useful, but if that’s the case, write to me, and we can resolve it, including issuing a refund.

    What if a question related to the course is not answered?

    Your membership not only includes the course but also access to the exclusive Facebook group, where we will answer questions, hold additional sessions on various topics, and much more. I invite you to ask all your questions there, or write to me at, and we can address them (and potentially add them to the course for the most up-to-date information).

    Do you provide personalized consultations?

    Not at the moment, but we will offer them once the course is launched.

    Is the course in English?

     The course will be delivered in Spanish and in English (you’ll be able to choose the language before starting the course). However, it is essential to know English to complete the course since all the materials we prepare for your job search will be in English.

    How much does the course cost?

    The course has a monthly cost of $50 USD. Consider it an investment where you can secure a job that pays at least 20% more (the minimum wage in Canada is approximately $16 CAD per hour, and as a professional, salaries start at $20 CAD).

    However, for the launch, we will offer special discounts, so I recommend registering to get the best price.

    Why is the course a subscription rather than a one-time payment?

    With the subscription, you will have access to the exclusive Facebook group where there will be weekly and monthly content of great value. In this group, you will not only find moral support, but we will create exclusive content, conduct group sessions to analyze examples, delve into specific topics, and more! The course’s value is approximately $750, and I believe a monthly subscription can help many people take the course for much less money, and you decide how long you want to stay. Don’t forget that you can cancel and reactivate at any time.

    Your journey to Canada starts today.

    Your dreams today will become regrets tomorrow unless you make them a reality.

    The path to Canada may sound impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. If I had followed this guide when I arrived as a student, I would have saved years (yes, years!) of effort, stress, and desperation to stay in Canada. I can’t turn back time, but you can learn from my mistakes and take this shortcut to reach your goal.

    Today, I challenge you to achieve it, to make that extra effort to fulfill your dream, and who knows, you could be the one known for taking that leap of faith and succeeding in Canada.


    The purpose of this course is to teach all the steps required to apply for jobs in Canada. However, every job position is different, and there is no guarantee that you will secure sponsorship from a company. The results of this course depend on a series of factors over which we have no control, such as your education, financial situation, skills, experience, effort in applying, or changes in the job market. We do not replace a lawyer and cannot provide any form of legal advice. To determine the best immigration process for your specific case, please contact an immigration lawyer. By purchasing this course and following its instructions, you agree that we are not responsible for any decisions you make based on the information provided.